Conception Care
There is more to creating life than biology.
You know this. You feel this in every cell of your body after a failed IVF/IUI cycle or miscarriage, every time your period comes when you hope it won’t.
I know how painful this journey can be, and how strong you have to be to go through it.
Fertility is more than just the ability to conceive. It is creative life force energy that is directly connected to our mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.
This energy affects all aspects of our health and vitality - whether we are trying to create a child, create art, create a business, or simply create a life of health and ease.
There are practical ways to connect to this energy, and I am here to help guide this journey for you and your partner.
Who is this work for?
You and/or your partner are pre-conception and want to “reset” mental, physical and emotional patterns before pregnancy to have a solid foundation for a healthy family
You and/or your partner are considering or undergoing IVF/IUI and want to optimize chances of success
You and/or your partner have experienced miscarriage or loss and want to process grief and heal body, mind, spirit to continue your journey into parenthood
You and/or your partner have been diagnosed with a reproductive health challenge like PCOS or endometriosis and want to create the lifestyle changes necessary to thrive now and if/when you want to create a family
What we’ll do together:
Find practices that work for you both to build wellbeing, manage stress, create a sense of calm, feel in control of emotions, and/or create the space necessary to invite in new life
Practice guided imagery to shift unconscious belief systems, work through fears, doubts, and anxiety, connect to intuition and call in your unborn child
Meditation and breathing practices to relax, ground and feel peaceful
Conception Care Package:
Individual sessions that include personalized guided relaxation, imagery, check-in, coaching, and a take-home plan customized to each of your unique needs.
Couples sessions that includes customized imagery, check-in, and coaching for you as a couple.
Unlimited text/email/phone support.
Schedule a free consult if you have questions about where to start!

MIND // Implement effective tools for stress management to relax, ground and feel peaceful.

BODY // Prepare the physical body to create new life with simple and enjoyable practices to nourish, move and breathe.

SPIRIT // As woo-woo or as woo-less as you like! Connect to what brings you meaning & fulfillment.